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    Reverse D’Alembert Roulette Strategy

    Does the Reverse D'Alembert roulette strategy measure up to the original system? We'll answer all of this and more in this Reverse D'Alembert review.

      Reverse D'Alembert Strategy
    • Reverse D’Alembert Roulette Odds
    • Reverse D’Alembert Roulette System Review
    • Reverse D’Alembert Roulette Success Stories
    • Roulette Strategy News
    Virtually all negative progression betting systems have a reverse strategy, and that’s what we are going to cover in this article as we explore the pros and cons of the reverse D’Alembert roulette strategy.

    Having positively reviewed the traditional D’Alembert method, we want to find out if the reverse strategy, which is also known as Contre D’Alembert, is equally as good. So, without further ado, let’s jump straight in to show you all you need to know.

    Reverse D’Alembert Roulette Odds

    As you are probably aware, the classic D’Alembert roulette strategy is a simple +1 betting unit after losing spins and -1 betting unit after winning spins. Therefore, the reverse D’Alembert is simply the opposite. Players add one betting unit after a winning spin and subtract one betting unit after a losing spin.

    Using any roulette strategy requires you to select a betting unit before you begin your playing session. A general rule of thumb is between 0.5% and 1% of your bankroll. This is optional but that’s the amount professional roulette players would recommend. For the purpose of showing our readers the reverse D’Alembert roulette odds and betting system, we will use £1 as our base stake.

    No. of spins
    Stake Amount 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 4
    Win / Lose L L L L L W W W W L L
    Profit / Loss -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -4 -2 1 5 0 -4

    The basics of this strategy are clear. You make your profits from a series of consecutive wins. Yet, as you can see, when you hit the big ‘L’, everything is wiped out. We’ll discuss more about possible methods to prevent this from happening further down the page.

    Reverse D’Alembert Roulette System Review

    The main benefit of using the reverse D’Alembert is that it protects your bankroll from serious damage when you are on a losing streak. As shown in the table above, you are only betting your base stake until you get a few winnings spins. This also helps you recover losses faster when your luck changes because you don’t have such a big hole to climb out of.

    Our reverse D’Alembert roulette system review simulation found it is best to stick to even money bets. Those are red/black, odd/even and hi or low numbers. The risk of betting on columns is that the chances of getting a good run of consecutive winning spins is far less, and you need a few back-to-back wins to reclaim the losses and turn a profit.

    Reverse D’Alembert Roulette Success Stories

    It’s widely accepted that this betting system is one of the best for beginners, so there aren’t many reverse D’Alembert roulette success stories of players making millions from using it.

    Ultimately, it is a tight roulette strategy that can be used with a small bankroll, so players get plenty of table-time when utilising this method of betting. The secret to a successful reverse D’Alembert session is knowing when to stop increasing your bets. Akin to the reverse Martingale, all your profits can vanish if you try and get too greedy. 

    Our first example, cut the win streak to two bets. As the table below shows, on the 10th spin, we went back to our base betting unit because spins 8 and 9 both won. The overall result from 11 spins (5 wins and 6 losses) was -£2.

    No. of spins
    Stake Amount 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1
    Win / Lose W L L L L W L W W W L
    Profit / Loss 1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -3 -5 -4 -2 -1 -2

    Using the same pattern of wins and losses again, we set the win streak to three. So, on the 11th spin, we went back to our base betting unit. This resulted in us breaking even.

    No. of spins
    Stake Amount 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1
    Win / Lose W L L L L W L W W W L
    Profit / Loss 1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -3 -5 -4 -2 1 0

    The great unknown when playing roulette, or any casino game for that matter, is the order of wins and losses over a short period of play. With the examples provided above, losing four consecutive spins made it difficult to get back into profit when limiting our positive progression to only two bets. 

    However, the reverse D’Alembert is very flexible so you can adapt it with the flow of the game. No two sessions are ever the same; therefore, it’s best to tweak as necessary whilst playing. 

    D’Alembert like Martingale, and even the James Bond strategy are all betting systems. The casino still maintains its advantage over the long haul. In our opinion, this is not the best online roulette strategy but it is a safe one, so it will suit some players and not others.

    Now that you now the basics of the reverse D’Alembert roulette system, you may well be eager to try it for yourself. You can use one of our recommended partner casinos which allow you to practice the strategy in free-play mode before moving on to play with real money later. There are also some generous bonuses available which can boost your bankroll, giving you more chips to play roulette with. Check out our list and find your favourite roulette casino.