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    Fibonacci Roulette Strategy

    The Fibonacci roulette strategy won't require you to be a math wizard to learn. Discover how this effective strategy works and how it can help you win roulette.

      Fibonacci Roulette Strategy
    • Fibonacci Roulette Odds
    • Fibonacci Roulette System Review
    • Fibonacci Roulette Success Stories
    • Roulette Strategy News
    Having looked at how to use the Martingale roulette strategy and D’Alembert, in this article we turn our attention to another classic - the Fibonacci roulette strategy.

    The concept of this system relies on the sequence of numbers devised by Leonardo Fibonacci in that each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. Here is the sequence starting at zero - which is naturally omitted when used as a roulette betting system: 

    (0), 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584

    Although this is a negative progression strategy, it has become a happy medium between the high-risk double-down Martingale and the safe and cautious D’Alembert. Continue reading as we take an in-depth look at the Fibonacci roulette strategy so you can decide if it’s right for you, and you know exactly how to use it next time you take a seat at the table.

    Fibonacci Roulette Odds

    The rules for using Fibonacci as a betting system are very straightforward. It is an even money roulette strategy, so you must stick to the outside bets such as red/black and odd/even. Don’t risk any others because you want to win as close to 50% of the spins as possible.

    Basically, you can begin from anywhere on the sequence, but we strongly advise starting right at the being (the first number 1). You move onto the next number (left to right) if you lose the bet. However, when you win, you move back (right to left) two numbers in the sequence. Here’s an example:

    No. of spins
    Stake Amount11231111111
    Profit / Loss-1-2-4-1-2-3-2-3-2-3-2

    Immediately, you can see that one win doesn’t put you in profit unlike using the classic Martingale system. However, it is all swings and roundabouts to a degree because Fibonacci doesn’t hurt your bankroll as much if you go on a long losing streak. Below we have compared the two strategies to show how much you would need to bet each round.

    No. of spins
    Martingale Stake12481632641282565121024
    Profit / Loss1123581321345589

    Another important factor of this system is that you can win fewer games and still be in profit. This is essential in choosing the right strategy because the Fibonacci roulette odds still favour the casino over the long term. You will lose more games than you will. There is no getting away from this fact, so a sound negative progression betting pattern like we have here is vital.

    No. of spins
    Stake Amount112358135211
    Profit / Loss-1-2-4-7-12-20-7-2012

    Fibonacci Roulette System Review

    Every strategy comes with its own pros and cons and the purpose of this Fibonacci roulette system review is to highlight them for you so you get the full picture. It is then a personal choice based on what level of risk you are willing to take, and the budget you have, as to which method is the best choice for you.

    Whilst this is nowhere near as aggressive as Martingale, it is still possible to flirt with the maximum betting limits of the table if you experience a poor run of spins. This needs to be a consideration when deciding where to play using this strategy. Also, it’s important that you don’t mess up the sequence of numbers and place the wrong size bet. This could result in you coming back down to 1 and not being in profit.

    Fibonacci Roulette Success Stories

    With this strategy being well over one hundred years old and still going strong today, it’s not surprising to hear a tale or two related to Fibonacci roulette success stories. Yet, a general theme kept occurring and that was related to table betting limits.

    A method of avoiding this online is to choose a casino that offers low, standard and high stakes tables. This allows you to move from one table to another in the hope of staying under the bet limit. The downside of this approach is that you are moving into a higher risk style of play and you must also remember that a single win won’t put back in profit.

    Many players that have had success playing with the Fibonacci roulette strategy suggest having a stop loss. You will have bad sessions, so they suggest not chasing when the bet sizes become too heavy. The days when the roulette gods are smiling upon you are your chance to seize good profits. 

    As always, please consider, no strategy is totally safe. The casino will win more times than it loses. Yet, with that said, this is still a good, solid strategy to play around with and you will enjoy some good wins using it. If you want to give it a whirl, check out’s list of recommended online casinos. They offer a variety of virtual roulette games and live dealer tables.